Hope Hefright is a senior graphic design major in her last semester at Youngstown State University. She is a Student Designer for the university and Head Editor for Jenny Magazine. While she’s not drawing or designing she is an avid reader with a love for sci-fi and graphic novels.

Rebecca Banks is a 2015 YSU graduate with a BGS with a concentration in social work and sociology and a minor in women’s studies. This is her first year reading for the illustrious Jenny magazine. She loves meeting and spending time with YSU students. When she wants to relax she loves listening to all genres of music and reading cool books. She values all things YSU and Youngstown Ohio and of course words!!!!

Colleen Rowland is a senior in the Honors College at Youngstown State University. She is pursuing majors in Psychology and English with a minor in creative writing. Colleen works for the YSU athletic department and is also a personal dog trainer. In her free time, she enjoys reading, writing, watching movies, and spending time with her family.

Heather (Fish) Sutherin is a third year NEOMFA student at Youngstown State University where they focus in fiction and dabble heavily in playwriting. Their 15-minute debut play Distant Stars was performed at Convergence-Continuum in February 2024. They enjoy writing about ecology, religion, family dramas, horror, and love – sometimes all at once.